List of offered lectures:

  1. Oxidative stress as a risk factor for civilisation diseases. How to protect ourselves against it.
    Prof. Ďuračková - 20 min including discussion

    The lecture deals with the danger of oxidative stress for the organism. It is a phenomenon associated with some chronic inflammatory processes in the organism, with unhealthy life style of the individual, stress situations and poluted environment. Ways how to protect the organism against the oxidative stress will be discussed in the lecture.

  2. Hyperactivity and attention disorder in children. How to distinguish child hyperactivity from "disobedience"?
    MUDr. Trebatická - 20 min including discussion

    The lecture explains the problem of excessive hyperactivity and attention disorders from pre-school children to the adolescence. It is a serious problem, often manifested at the start of the school attendance, it causes great problems to children and their parents during everyday activities.
    It can be presented in schools during the parent conferences

  3. Prostate cancer. Threat that can be prevented.
    MUDr.B.Trebatický - 20 min including discussion

    Prostate cancer is the most threatening oncological disease of the global men population. Audience will learn details on symptoms and the early diagnostics, as well as effective treatment and methods how to prevent prostate cancer.

  4. Men in "menopause".
    MUDr.B.Trebatický - 20 min including discussion

    Men reaching the age of 50, also suffer from complex of symptoms known in women as "menopause". The lecture provides basic information on causes, clinical symptoms and methods of influencing this phenomenon called andropause.

  5. Everyday noise.
    MUDr. V. Nagy - 20 min including discussion

    The lecture explains the influence of our environment which we consider "normal" on the hearing organ from the view of noise, its consequences, ways of prevention and treatment. The lecture explains differences in disorders of transmission system and sensual perception, otitis of middle ear and the inner ear.

  6. Cancer of pharynx and larynx (throat) - what can I do?
    MUDr. V. Nagy - 20 min including discussion

    The lecture analyses basic causes of the development of cancer of mentioned organs, its diagnostics, methods of treatment. Emphasis is put on prevention.

  7. Risk factors of cardiovascular diseases: is it possible to protect ourselves?
    Doc. Ing. P. Blažíček, CSc.

    In Slovakia 54% patients dies from cardiovascular disease each year. Heart attack does not appear suddenly without any cause, but it is a gradual process of atherosclerotic changes. Various risk factors are causes of the disease. In most cases death could be prevented by identifying and removing of risk factors, or death could be delayed to the older age. If you wish to fight enemy you must know him perfectly. That is a reason why I would like to explain you the risk factors and the ways of protection against them.

  8. Determination of homocystein: why, when, how?
    Doc. Ing. P. Blažíček, CSc.

    Homocystein is an aminoacid with -SH group. It is generally accepted that it si an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. It damages vascular endothelium and it is a cause of various diseases. Patients with risk factors (high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure) should have determined levels of homocystein. It is important because we can "keep" the homocystein levels in the safe range by change of life style and the healthy nutrition. In case of genetic disorder C677T it is important to take higher doses of vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid.

  9. Risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and the ways of their nutritional and therapeutic influencing.
    Doc. Ing. P. Blažíček, CSc.

    Heathy life style, nutrition and the therapy can significantly influence risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Preventive examinations are important, they can help to detect risk factors early and remove them.

  10. Prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in pre-school children."
    MUDr. Z. Nagyová - 20 min including discussion

    The lecture talks about ways of prevention and home treatment of pre-school children who are infected with common infections especially in pre-school facilities. The lecture explains the administration of antibiotics only in confirmed bacterial infections, introduction of alternative ways of treatment such as e.g. homeopatic drugs or plant extracts.

Institutes interested in organization of seminars or lectures for their employees or citizens, can contact the civil group Mind & Health on our web site and make arrangements on conditions, location and time-schedule of presentations.

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