Appeal for applications on project support in 2006-2007:

  1. Civil group Mind and Health appeals for applications on project support in research and development in the field of biomedicine, innovation and modernization of health care facilities and services, further education of young and perspective workers in medicine and biomedical research for years 2006-2007. Supported individual projects will be realized according to submitted and approved schedule.

  2. Project approvement will be realized continuously. Projects will be approved by the board of directors after project revision by invited professional workers.
    Deadline for project applications will be announced on our web site. The total number of projects approved by the board of directors as well as the total finantial support will be determined after evaluation of obtained finantial support from assigned 2% taxes as well as from sponsoring presents of the civil group supporters. Applicants will obtain decision of the board of directors no later than 60 days from application delivery.

  3. Application has to contain: Name of the applicant, date of birth, workplace, permanent address, purpose for which the finantial support is asked, importance of the project realization, the applicantīs idea of propagation of the civil group Mind and Health activities. After project approvement and its schedule for finantial support, an agreement with the recipient will be written on the way of finantial support allocation or other support, control of the use of finantial or other support as well as on other conditions determining project support by the civil group Mind and Health.

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